Ana Silva, a Ph.D. researcher, working in statistical modelling of service life prediction of building elements throughout the last 12 years.
Author of 67 in ISI-indexed Journals and 9 SCOPUS-indexed publications. Author with more articles in "Service life prediction" in the World, according to the Scopus database. Author of an International Book, entitled "Methodologies for service life prediction of buildings: with a focus on façade claddings", by Springer International Publishing, May 2016. 4 papers in the TOP 50 of the most cited papers in service life prediction, according to the Scopus database (Scopus ID: 25959361900; 837 citations and h-index of 16). Author of 40 publications in peer reviewed conference proceedings.
Responsible Investigator of the Research Project entitled "Buildings Envelope SLP-based Maintenance: reducing the risks and costs for owners". Member of the Research Project "Development and assessment of models for the durability and preventive conservation of historic plasterwork from the decorative elements of the Real Alcázar of Seville". Member of the Research Project "Inteligencia artificial al servicio de la gestión integral de inmuebles de conservación histórica en el sur de chile: la región de los ríos y la región de los Lagos". Member of the Research Project entitled "Service Life Prediction for a risk-based Building Management System (SLPforBMS)". Supervision of two completed PhD thesis and two ongoing PhD thesis. Supervision of seven Master theses in the service life prediction of ETICS, architectural precast concrete and window framing at IST, University of Lisbon. Member of CIB W080 commission (secretary of the commission) - Prediction of Service Life Prediction of Building Materials and Components. Member of ISO technical committee on Design life of buildings (ISO TC 59 SC14).