PhD. Student in Civil Engineering at FEUP – Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, a researcher on CONSTRUCT – Institute of R&D in Structures and Construction, since August 2018, with FCT scholarship since October 2020 at FEUP in Long-term hygrothermal performance of nanotech-based cool coatings of ETICS, with the co-supervison of IST, University of Lisbon.
Andréa R. Souza holds a science master’s degree in Materials and Structure Engineering from the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR – 2014/2016) and graduated in Civil Engineering from the State University Western Paraná (Unioeste – 2008/2012), both University at Brazil. She worked as a research trainee at Unioeste between 2009 and 2012 on concretes durability with recycling aggregates projects. After that, she worked as an assistant professor and thesis supervisor at Centro Universitário FAG (2013-2018), focused on Construction, Materials and Building pathology.
Andréa lives in Portugal since 2018 and worked as a project collaborator on EnReflect project - Envelope systems with high solar reflectance by the inclusion of nanoparticles. Her PhD. research focuses on the hygrothermal performance and durability assessment of Exterior Thermal Insulation Composite System with high reflectance properties, resultant from the incorporation of nanoparticles on the finishing coat.