Janine Nemeh


Period 2017/2019 - Enrolled in the Master's Degree Program of the Energy and Nuclear Research Institute (IPEN/USP) of São Paulo University.

In January 2018, I went to the IST in Lisbon where I met Prof. Inês Flores-Colen. In the framework of my thesis, I did an internship from 7/1/2019 to 30/01/2019 to conduct water absorption tests and other complementary tests (including aging tests), at the Instituto Superior Técnico de Lisboa (IST), under the supervision of Prof. Inês Flores-Colen (CERIS), and also with the support of Profs. A. Dionísio and M. F. Pereira from CERENA research unit.

I received my Master of Science degree on September 05, 2019, in the Program: Nuclear Technology - Materials, under the supervision of Dr. Dolores Ribeiro Ricci Lazar. The presentation was held at IPEN/USP, in São Paulo, Brazil. Prof. Inês Flores-Colen integrated the jury board, via video conference.

The title of the dissertation is: Evaluation of the influence of the application of titania and silica composites in the preservation of ornamental stones.