PhD student in Materials Engineering at CQFM – Centro de Química-Física Molecular, CERIS - Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Universidade de Lisboa and Weber Saint-Gobain Portugal, since February 2016, with a FCT-Weber scholarship, and also with CERIS/IST co-supervision.
After finishing a Master Degree in Chemical Engineering at FCT/UNL - Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa in 2011, worked as researcher in NANORENDER project at IST, which main role is the development and characterization of silica-based aerogels to incorporate in cementitious renders.
The PhD research focuses on the development of subcritical silica-based aerogels, functionalized on purpose to act as aggregates in thermal renders as well as understand the role of this aggregate on the final morphology and properties of thermal rendering systems.