Ph.D. candidate in Civil Engineering at Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability (CERIS), DECivil, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, since March 2021, with FCT scholarship starting in September 2021.
Researcher at ITECONS (Institute for Research and Technological Development for Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability) in IF MORTAR project: Experimental and numerical analysis of interface mortar-support with partnership between ITECONS, the leader of the project, and CERIS since January 2021. The investigation is about the mortar/substrate interface and its influence on the performance of the rendering mortars and it is probably titled as “Influencing factors in the behavior of traditional mortars applied in different substrates”. The research group covers investigations in the field of mortars, and has provided relevant results in relation to the behavior of different materials (mortar/substrate), as well as their interaction with the environment, in which they are inserted, being the cause of climate changes, such as global warming, which leads to the need to deepen studies in this area.
Poliana Bellei has a degree in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Pampa (UNIPAMPA), Brazil. After finishing her bachelor's degree (2013), she applied for a master's degree in the post-graduate program in Civil Engineering at the Department of Structures and Civil Construction at the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM), Brazil, in which she was approved. Thus, he had the opportunity to follow the Civil Construction and Environmental Preservation area with a master's scholarship promoted by CAPES with completion in 2016.
In Brazil, she worked as a civil engineer between 2014 and 2019. She also assumed an assistant professor position in the courses of undergraduate programs in Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urbanism, and Environmental and Sanitary Engineering, at Faculdade Empresarial de Chapecó (UCEFF - Faculdades) for 4 years (between 2015 and 2019). He taught the disciplines of Concrete and Mortar Technology, Civil Construction, Reinforced Concrete Structures I, Reinforced Concrete Structures II, Professional Ethics, Geology and Foundations and Construction Pathology. During this period, she was the supervisor of more than 60 bachelor's and specialization works, mainly in the areas of concrete and mortar, which resulted in several publications.