Completed Research Projects

The TEC-TIMBER - Techniques to assess the properties of timber on old buildings (IPL/2019/TEC-TIMBER_ISEL, 2019-2020) project supports the recognition, evaluation and rehabilitation of existing timber structures in old buildings. It consists in the estimation of properties by non-destructive or semi-destructive techniques performed in situ and their validation by reference data obtained in the laboratory, through the cross-correlation of multiple parameters.

Start: 01/08/2019 Conclusion: 13/06/2020
Funding: IPL and IDI&CA
Partners involved: ISEL

TEC-TIMBER - More details

In the Lab2Market@Tecnico 2016 - Thermal mortar for rendering with subcritical silica based aerogel and natural lightweight co-aggregates project CERIS team has 250 hours of mentoring for adaptation of new products to the market, with the support of i-deals (a technology broker company) to help in commercialization and contact with market opportunities.

Start: 2016 Conclusion: 2016
Funding: IST
Partners involved: IST/CERIS

Lab2Market@Tecnico 2016 - More details

The PEP_SG Weber - Efficient Wall Plus Saint-Gobain Weber project intended to develop an energy-efficient multifunctional exterior wall solution with environmental sustainability concerns. A new thermal block (composed of cement and expanded clay aggregates), and a finishing thermal insulating render with improved insulating properties were developed. In this project, the RT was responsible for developing the new thermal insulating render formulation and characterise its physical, mechanical, and microstructural performance. The RT was also responsible for executing the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of all the individual products used in the wall solution.

Start: 07/03/2016 Conclusion: 31/01/2018
Funding: COMPETE 2020, Portugal 2020, ERDF
Partners involved: Saint-Gobain Weber and Construction Institute (IC), Porto

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The SLPforBMS - Service Life Prediction for a risk-based Building Management System (PTDC/ECM-COM/5772/2014) research project intended to develop a building management system of building envelope’s elements (flat and pitched roofs, walls - ceramic, renderings, painted surfaces, natural stone, ETICS and architectural concrete), in current buildings, including inspection and diagnosis, service life prediction procedures and support decision-making processes in the maintenance/rehabilitation area. The buildings overall performance is intrinsically related to the performance of their components and, in particular to the external envelope that acts as the "skin" of the building, protecting it from the degradation agents.

Start: 01/06/2016 Conclusion: 30/11/2019
Funding: CERIS/IST
Partners involved: CERIS/IST

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The BUILD UP Skills FORESEE II: Training FOr REnewableS and Energy Efficiency in Building sector II - Training schemes set-up / Phase II aimed to put into practice the priorities identified in the Roadmap 2014-2020, by the Build Up Skills - Portugal project. The initiative intended to help address skills gaps in various construction related professions. This was done by developing material to train installers in three core areas: building envelope, renewable and efficient use of electricity and heating and cooling. The project included training trainers and pilot courses to test the supporting material.

Start: 01/09/2014 Conclusion: 28/02/2017
Funding: EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) - Programme “Intelligent Energy Europe”
Partners involved: Coordinator: National Laboratory of Energy and Geology (LNEG); Agency for Energy (ADENE), Directorate General of Energy and Geology (DGEG), National Agency for Qualification and Vocational Education and Training (ANQEP), Association of Portuguese Construction Mortars and ETICS Manufacturers (APFAC)

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The NANORENDER project investigated the use of silica-based aerogels in coating mortars (renders) in order to formulate improved-performance renders from a thermal, acoustic and environmental point of view, for application in building walls. The goal was to use as aggregate in mortars a silica or silica/latex-based aerogel, obtained from safer and less costly processes, already tested and patented by members of the CFQM research team.

Start: 20/03/2012 Conclusion: 19/09/2015
Funding: FCT.
Partners involved: IST (CERIS and CFQM research units)

NANORENDER - More details